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안녕하세요. 주한미국대사관 아메리칸센터의 "
“잉글리쉬 라운지”는 주한미국대사관 아메리칸센터의 시리
- 일시: 2021년 4월 9일, 금요일, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
주제: Arbor Day, Earth Day, and Climate Change
This lecture will look at ways that America is promoting green energy and fighting climate change. With President Joseph Biden pledging to rejoin the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, this is a great oppertunity to see how American is looking to change to a safer future for the environment.
- 일시: 2021년 4월 30일, 금요일, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
주제: President Biden's First 100 Days
The first 100 days of a president's term is crucial for how Americans view his or her success in office. In 1933, President Roosevelt came into office with a large number of economic and societal problems due to the Great Depression. In his first 100 days, he pushed 15 bills through Congress that changed the American landscape. Since then, a president has been "judged" on their first 100 days in office, and in this lecture, we will look at what President Biden has accomplished in this time. - 연사: Prof. Jonathan French
- 온라인강연 (via ZOOM)
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아래 링크를 통해 참가신청하신 분들께는 강연자료와 프로그램 접속 정보를 프로그램 당일 오전까지 제공할 예정입니다. (무료설치, 회원가입 필요없습니다)